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Design Thinking Educators’ Conference

Jacqueline Antalik

Jacqueline Antalik is the Director of User Experience and Service Design at OXD, a Vancouver-based human-centred design and technology consulting firm. She and her team of designers apply user-centric and design-thinking approaches to help clients solve complex, “wicked” problems.

Jacqueline has 20 years of experience in human-computer interaction, business and system analysis, workshop planning and facilitation, and workplace learning and technology. She uses her expertise to inform her approach in creating and facilitating training sessions and leading innovation design workshops. 

Jacqueline believes that designing and delivering positive, meaningful experiences isn’t just about tools and methods. End-users have their own unique needs, personal perspectives, and fresh ideas. It’s that opportunity for unearthing the human connection that drives Jaqueline’s work.

Topic: Reframing Problems to Inspire Innovative Solutions

Jacqueline's picture