
Welcome to the Taking Making into Learning Contexts Resource Site! This page hosts resources and learning materials developed by the Innovative Learning Centre at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus, and curated by Dr. Susan Crichton & Dr. Elizabeth Childs at Royal Roads University.

The Japanese proverb, None of us is as smart as well of us, guides our work. We graciously acknowledge the collaborations with educators associated with Aga Khan University – Institute of Educational Development, East Africa as well as over 6000 educators across British Columbia, Alberta and the Atlantic Maritime provinces.

Our work is made better because of the partnerships and support of the Industry Training Authority (ITA – https://www.itabc.ca/events/maker-day), Skills Canada Alberta (https://skillsalberta.com/skills-exploration-days), and the British Columbia Ministry of Education (https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/sites/curriculum.gov.bc.ca/files/pdf/applied-skills.pdf).

Royal Roads University – School of Education and Technology is pleased to host this resource, and we welcome all creative and constructive feedback. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us!


Educator working with young learners?

Educator preparing to lead Pro-D?

Educator using Design Thinking?