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Design Thinking Educators’ Conference

What is the Problem? Design-Thinking from an Entrepreneurial Perspective

Mar 6 | 10:15 AM

Location: Zoom Room 1

Today’s entrepreneurial thinker is challenged with tackling innovation solutions to economic, social and moral problems. A continuing challenge in teaching the idea-to-concept phase of entrepreneurial projects is coaching the student through their interpretive biases and connecting their entrepreneurial solutions to a human centric problem that fills a real need, is realistic, sustainable and grounded in primary market feedback. This session will share the experience of a design-thinking educator in developing a series of on-line submersive applied business challenges that prepare the learner to apply design-thinking methodology to their final capstone projects. These one credit, 7-day submersive experiences use role play, interaction with real potential ‘users’ and other hands-on exercises which directs the learner to use a multi-disciplinary approach to seek solution clarity. As an attendee, you will learn how to guide the process of problem reframing, scaffold critical problem solving skills, tease out biases, teach the importance of seeking real market data, and encourage learners to focus on the pragmatic impact of the solutions they come up with. You will also be introduced to tools that assist with visual design, day-by-day flow and daily reflection.

Session Speaker:

Rita Egizii