2021 Cohort Posters

Learn more about our Doctor of Business Administration students’ emerging dissertation research below.

Arianna's photo

Changing Ontario’s health system by shifting power dynamics embedded in Bill 74

Arianna Bhagwansingh

Neil's photo

Gamification Best Practices: Building the Foundation of Advanced Learning

Neil Cody

Chafika's photo

Board Directors’ perspectives and their planned actions to work towards the elimination of environmental and social negative impacts in mining

Chafika Eddine

Coltan's photo

More than a Rainbow Sidewalk: Utilizing the LGBTQ+ Culture and Community as a force toward Urban Regeneration through Creative Economy Development

Coltan Fagan

William's photo

The how and why of the “smooth operators” for impact(-weighted) accounting

William Fung

Kostas' photo

Surveillance Capitalism: The need ot evolve in a world of increasing data privacy legislation

Kostas Lekkas

Shelly's photo

How can Spiritual Self-Leadership encourage Identity Development and Sense of Belonging in ATCKs in order for them to fully realize their potential and value contribution in the workplace?

Shelly Lyons

Nidal's photo
Nidal's Poster Presentation Video

How institutional investors and standards can mitigate ESG-washing among Canadian corporations?

Nidal Mousa

Naomi's photo

Shared Mental Models to Facilitate Inter-profesional Collaboration

Naomi Parker

Lisa's photo

Positive Feedback in the Workplace: Impact on Task Performance and Relationship Quality

Lisa Sansom

Dawn's photo

A seat at the table: Invciting Women to the Board Rooms of Family-Owned Business in Canada

Dawn Schooler

Delmar's photo

Skilled migrant workers’ integration in Canadian workplaces

Delmar Tobin

Elizabeth's photo

How can communications competencies be developed by Canadian MBA programs?

Elizabeth Williams

Mekoya's photo
Mekoya's photo